Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"THEY" say USANA products are no.1

Mr. Lyle MacWilliam, the author of this book is the former minister of health in US&Canada.  Since the US and Canada government shoulders the health care of its citizens this research was made to minimize hospitalization and other medical expenses among US&Canada citizens.

This comparative guide has been developed to assist the public in sorting
through the maze of nutritional supplements available today. The guide
does not endorse any product or manufacturer, nor does it make any health
claims. It simply documents and summarizes recentfindings in the scientific
literature. Those manufacturers listed in our Top-Rated Products section
of the guide have been prcifiled to provide the consumer with information
on leading manufacturers and their products. NutriSearch did not request
nor did it receive remuneration from any of these manufacturers-this
information isprovided by NutriSearch as a public service to readers of this
guide and to consumers throughout Australia and New Zealand.
This comparative guide was not commissioned by any public orprivate
body, trade association, or individual company. Research and development
of the guide was made possible through the combined creative efforts of
NutriSearch Corporation (Canada) and author, Lyle Mac William, MSc,
FE All costsfor the research, development, and publication of the guide
have been borne by NutriSearch Corporation and its publisher, Northern
Dimensions Publishing (Canada).
For purposes of analysis, this guide uses an independent analytical standard
developed by NutriSearch Corporation. To avoid the introduction of any
potential bias on the part ofNutriSearch or the author, the NutriSearch
Blended Standard incorporates the published recommendations of 12
independent and leading authorities in nutritional science. Using a median
value of daily intakes as recommended by these authorities, the NutriSearch
Blended Standard is, to our knowledge, the only independent standard
currently available for comparing nutritional supplements .


Sharing the Vision

A Promising Vision. (Due to his parent's death caused by degenerative diseases he pursued the preventive field in medicine  as an immunologist rather than his previous position in the diagnostic field and thus drive him to formulate "nutritionals you can trust"

Dr. Myron Wentz, the founder of USANA is a recipient of the Albert Einstein Award. He was the second recipient of this award. The first recipient were those who discovered the flu vaccine in the year 1970s. H e was commended for being able to preserve cancer cells in a healthy state outside the body for almost 40 years! The secret? He just supplemented the cells with the right nutrients that it needs in order to survive.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

ATTENTION: Health Alert

Do you know someone who has the same degenerative diseases?
We can't hide the fact that everyday we are exposed to free radicals which destroys our cells (the basic unit of life). Are your cells still healthy or dying already?

 Our daily intake of foods can't give us the vitamins (organic substances needed by our body for normal metabolism, growth and maintenance), minerals (inorganic substances which becomes a part of the composition of the body when absorbed and helps regulate bodily functions) and antioxidants (substance that prevents tissue damage and degenerative diseases).

(Why supplementations are important visit this site: